Rabu, 14 April 2010


Read the texts carefully and then answer the questions correctly:

The National Monument

The National Monument is located at the centre of Merdeka Square.
The square is situated beween the old and the new past of Jakarta. The monument
was built in 1961 to commemorate Indonesia's fight for independence from Dutch.
The monument is 137 metres high and has 35 kilograms of gold leaf on its top.
The gold leaf represents the flame of freedom.

Visitors can ride in the elevator to judt below the flame(115 metres high).
From here you can see most of downtown Jakarta. YOU can look down on noisy Merdeka Square (one squares kilometre ), one of the largest squares in the world.
You can also visit the museum at the bottom of the monument. Here, you can see dioramas showing Indonesia's history.

1. What type of text is it ?
2. What is the main idea of paragraph 1 ?
3. Where is the National Monument exactly locat
4. What is 35 kilograms weigh ?
5. The square is" situated "........
What is the synonym of situated ?

How to make a pencil box

What you need :

- An empty plastic bottle of mineral water.
- A sharp of cutter.
- A piece of white or colourful paper.
- Some paint.
- Some glue.

How to make it :

1.Wash the plastic bottle. Make sure it is clean when you use it.
2.Cut the bottle into two halves.
3.Wrap the bottle with a piece of coloured paper.
4.If you use plain paper, use the paint to make a drawing on it.
5.Now your pencil box is ready to use.

Answer these questions correctly !

1. What is the type of the text ?
2. What is the goal of the text ?
3. What do you do before wrapping the bottle ?
4. Which is not the material ?
5. If you use plain paper use the paint to make a drawing on it....
What does the word "plain" means....?

1 komentar:

  1. Assalamualaikum.

    Sekedar menginformasikan kepada Bapak/ Ibu bahwa kami dari Himpunan Mahasiswa Matematika FMIPA Universitas Negeri Semarang akan mengadakan kegiatan FORUM ILMIAH MATEMATIKA Se-JAWA 2010 yang akan di laksanakan pada tanggal 3-10 Oktober 2010.
    adapun bentuk kegiatannya adalah:
    1. Olimpiade Matematika Tingkat SD
    2. Olimpiade Matematika Tingkat SMP
    3. Olimpiade Matematika Tingkat SMA
    4. Lomba Kreativitas Guru Matematika

    informasi lebih lengkap dapat di akses di website kami fim2010.vacau.com dan himatika.unnes.ac.id

    Besar harapan kami Bapak/ Ibu bersedia berpartisipasi.
    Terima kasih.
